Must wash before returning

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9 Responses to “Must wash before returning”

  1. are they sex workers?? it doesn’t make any sense …….

  2. Thats great. Does somebody check to see if they did.

  3. photoshopped.
    you can tell because the plaque is see through, and it’s placed incorrectly relative to the mirror. it should be on or in front of the black line between the red board and it’s reflection, not just on the reflected side. also the reflection of the plaque is not along the plane of the mirror.

  4. It makes perfect sense.
    It doesn’t say they have to wash their own Genitals.

  5. dam microsoft!

  6. what?? how the hell… my brain is going to explode

  7. theres probably cameras there to see who will actually do it……….LMAO

  8. Win!! +1 Stumble

  9. … haha!

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